

Here's my blog.

Friends recommended that I start one. I initially responded, "Heck, why didn't I think of that?!" At the point of actually creating it I did a complete 180: "If my friends want to know what I think, I'd rather talk to them about it directly rather than through a blog." Even the name 'blog' is stupid.

BLOG. Shouldn't it be 'elog?' It doesn't roll off the tongue as well but at least it's accurate. I Wikied 'blog' just to check; it stands for 'web log.' LAME... we'll stick with elog. (I think I like it because the word is my favorite toy jumbled around a bit - Lego. Well, it'd have to be Legos. Playing with one lego would be lame. About as lame as the word 'blog.')

Finally, I thought, "What the hell, you know?" So here is my elog. Ta-da!

I could just delete it though...

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