
'Tis the Season

I got online to buy concert tickets today. $15 apiece for a small band at an old venue. Deal, right? Check out the itemization below:

Full Price Ticket $15.00 x 4
Total Building Facility Charge(s) $1.00 x 4
Total Convenience Charge(s) $6.50 x 4
Additional Taxes $1.04
Other Processing Charge(s) $5.30

60%+ increase in the ticket price due to all of this hogwash? Seriously!? Am I that out of touch, or is the SOB who came up with this crap in dire need of a groin shot, or five?

Shouldn't 'Building Facility' be factored in as venue overhead? Isn't it equally as convenient for the seller to automate ticket sales rather than pay someone to work in a sales booth? Could 'Other Processing' be more vague?

Having taxes as the least expensive aspect of this itemization (in Chicago of all places) really does me in. I wish good luck upon all the dumbasses buying in to this crap, as well as the d-bag who came up with these add-ons (not sure which party is worse).

Godspeed..., idiots.

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