
Homos and Heteros - they're just words

I researched some specific distinctions, of which I was curious. I expected to obtain a quick and succinct answer to my inquires about all of the types of Homos and Heteros but ran into a lot of conflicting information. Piecing together various sources and definitions, the below is a chart that I figure correct:

Homograph ---- s/d ------- d ---------- s ----------
Heterograph --- s/d ------- d ---------- d ----------

Homophone ----- s -------- d --------- s/d ---------
Heterophone ---- d -------- d --------- s/d ---------

Homonym ------ s --------- d ---------- s ----------
Heteronym ----- d --------- d ---------- s ----------

*** s = same, d = different, s/d = same or different ***

The most commonly conflicted notion is that some of the above words are synonymous, which is completely false. By using simple etymology, I avoided making the same mistakes and possibly shed some light on the distinction of the subject. In actuality, "homonym" and "heteronym" are subsets of a combination of the "graphs" and "phones."

- Heteronym (aka Heterophonic Homograph) - different sound, same spelling; desert (to abandon) : desert (arid region)
- Homonym (aka Homophonic Homograph) - same sound, same spelling; tire (to become weary) : tire (what fits to a wheel)

The other two combinations of the "graphs" and "phones" do not have specific words for their subset distinctions.

- Homophonic Heterograph - same sound, different spelling; too (also) : two (2)
- Heterophonic Heterograph - different sound, different spelling; Purdue (awesome) : Notre Dame (suck ass)

From what I found, "graphs" (writing/spelling) and "phones" (pronunciation/sound) were pretty straight forward. Whether it be "homo" (same) or "hetero" (different), the distinction laid within only one of the above categories of the chart.

When it came to "nyms" (name), exact etymology translations became fairly ambiguous, hence the conflicting information. Another item of note, which is very obvious is that "meaning" is always different. I believe this category was used to make sure there was distinction from synonyms, antonyms, etc.

It's obvious why there is no distinct word for "heterophonic heterographs." However, I seek to find (or create) a word for "homophonic heterographs." If you know what this word is or have a good idea for one, please let me know.

By the way Pablo, wrong usage (Re: comment on 3/27/09 post), dumbass.


Ergonomic Boom

I'm not really in to fashion; however, I would say that I'm in to trends. What's fashionable at any given moment seems to based around what a select few consider it to be. Trends, on the other hand, are typically trackable or predictable, a more of a cause/effect relationship from which one can learn.

Recently, I've noticed a "second coming," if you will, of bendy straws. Everywhere I go, they appear more and more frequently - restaurants, grocery stores, etc. I've been trying to identify why there has been a resurgence. I have 3 theories:
  1. Cyclical - like that of tight jeans, then baggy jeans, then tight again, it's a simple and healthy change for the sake of change.
  2. Economic - stockpiled during the 80s, this unused inventory has been brought back out of hiding to save on expenses.
  3. Ergonomic - riding the wave of the ergonomics crazy, flexible straws are simply trying to "get them some of the profits."