
Mo' Wills, Mo' Problems

I don't totally understand wills in regards to how those in "the will-making business" justify them to others. I do see the benefits of them; however, there is a big piece with which I just don't connect. Are these so-called "benefits" just a way to capitalize off of death?

Measurable benefits of a will:

  • Cost: wills are less costly than the alternative - probate court.
  • Speed: wills allow for your assets/debts to be disbursed/settled more quickly
  • Property Rights: wills allow those who you select to get your stuff (killer SWAG, pun intended)
*Which of these benefits will I realize upon the activation of my will (aka my death)? NONE.

Immeasurable benefits of a will (excerpts taken from will publications):

  • A will is 'doing the right thing.' (This simple phrase automatically entitles you, otherwise making you a horrible person.)
  • It is a final expression of your love for family. (Why not share this love during your life?)
  • You don't have to worry what is going to happen to all your possessions should something happen. (Why worry about things that will happen after your death?)
  • To ensure that all of your assets and personal possessions are distributed to the people that matter. (Freeloaders!)
All of this being said, I do think that having a will is the responsible thing to do because it takes the burden of "cleaning up your life" off the shoulders of your family/friends. However, a big piece of me wonders why I should be paying for benefits that are, by nature, impossible for me to realize. Why shouldn't the potential recipients be paying the fees associated with creating a will? After all, they will be gaining from it.

Here are the possibilities:
  1. I make a will = My family/friends can get my stuff quicker and with less hassle. Yes, that's courteous, but it's free stuff to them. They should take on this burden, since they are benefiting.
  2. I don't make a will = My friends/family can take it or leave it. If they feel my assets are worth the time in probate court, by all means, make a living from it. If not, "Whatever." You weren't due my assets anyways. My assets can go to the state (or wherever they end up) for all that I care - I'm DEAD.

To be continued...

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